

Eliza Dushku

In 1992 She worked with actors like as Robert DeNiro, Ellen Barkin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul Reiser, and Jim Belushi. Eliza is 18 years old she was born in Boston Mass. on Dec. 30, 1980. Her career in acting began at the Watertown Children's Theatre. Sometimes she performs on the home stage, and signs for the deaf. Eliza's parents are both professors in Romania writing a book. She has 3 older brothers. She has decided to put her college plans on hold while acting on Buffy the Vampire slayer. She was accepted into both Boston and George Washington Universities. She was legally emancipated from her parents because of strict laws on the hours that a minor is allowed to work.


In BTVS Eliza Dushku plays faith. Faith is another vampire slayer, but she went bad. She was summened after Kendra died (kendra died when Drusilla slit her throat) One time when Buffy and Faith were slaying Faith accidently killed an inocent person. She liked it so much she joined the Mayor and is now helping him with the ancension. They tried to turn angel back into "angelous" but that didnt do to good. Faith died will fighting buffy. Buffy stabbed her with her own knife and she fell off the building and landed on a truck that took her away. The body was never found so i dont think that she is dead. But if i am wrong look for a new slayer next season???